Ann Komaromi

Ann Komaromi

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Northrop Frye Hall, Room 234, 73 Queen's Park Crescent East, Toronto, ON M5S 1K7
PhD, University of Wisconsin-Madison, 2001
MA, University of Wisconsin-Madison, 1997
BA, Northwestern University, 1994

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Ann Komaromi is a professor in the Centre for Comparative Literature at the University of Toronto. Her research has focused particularly on late Soviet culture, samizdat (underground publishing) and dissidence in the USSR. Her articles theorize the formation of alternative publics and epistemologies in samizdat, while attending to specific texts and groups. Komaromi is interested in the return of modernism and avant-garde in nonconformist and oppositional literary and art movements in the late twentieth century and beyond. Current projects include studies of dissident memoirs and archives, a history of Jewish activism in Leningrad, and a study of trash and used objects in post-War visual art and museum exhibits.

Courses (Cross-appointed to Comparative Literature)

SLA343: Late Soviet Culture
VIC 204: Canons and Canonicity
VIC 403 Special Topics: Joyce’s Ulysses
VIC202: Forms of Representation.
VIC402: Translation and Comparativity
VIC302: Pasts and Futures

SLA1206H1S: Samizdat Seminar
JLV5143H: Censorship, Culture, Archive
COL5147H/BKS2000H: Books at Risk
COL5047: The Two Avant-Gardes
COL5124H: Public Reading
COL5104: Dialogue with Poststructuralism (Bakhtin and Poststructuralism)

Centre for Comparative Literature
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