The following award list contains awards intended for undergraduate and/or graduate students in the Department of Slavic & East European Languages & Cultures. The list, while broad, is not exhaustive and does not contain every detail of the award record. For more information on the awards, please contact
The University of Toronto's Award Explorer may also have additional details.
Fellowships Requiring Application
(Application deadline coincides with the Faculty of Arts & Science program enrollment deadline in September)
Tibor P. Gregor & Arthur J. Langley Scholarship for Czech and Slovak Studies
Application Form Coming in Summer 2025
Value of annual award: $1,000
Numer of annual awards: up to 2
This competitive scholarship requires application and is awarded annually, on competitive basis, to two undergraduate students who are enrolled in a program of study in Slavic and East European Languages and Cultures at the time of application. The students must also be enrolled in a Czech/Slovak language and/or culture course and a Russian literature or culture course at any level during the academic year in which the scholarship is awarded. The recipients will be chosen on the basis of academic excellence in SLA-designated courses.
Kenneth Lantz Scholarship for Excellence
To be awarded to one full-time/part-time undergraduate student who is enrolled in any program in Slavic and East European Languages and Cultures in the Faculty of Arts and Science on the basis of academic merit. The student will have a GPA in SLA-designated courses that is higher than the application pool average.
The student must be enrolled in a Russian language course and a Russian literature or culture course at 200-level or above during the academic year in which the scholarship is awarded.
A student may apply for and hold a scholarship more than once, but priority will be given to new applicants who meet the above criteria.
The Orwin Family Fellowship for the Advanced Study of Russian Language and Culture
Application Form Coming in Summer 2025
Value of annual award: up to $1,000
Number of annual awards: 1
This competitive scholarship requires application and is awarded anually to one undergraduate student who is enrolled in a program of study in Slavic and East European Languages and Cultures at the time of application. The student must also be enrolled in a Russian language course and a Russian literature or culture course at 200-level or above during the academic year in which the scholarship is awarded. The student will have a GPA in SLA-designated courses that is higher than the application pool average. Students may apply for and hold a scholarship more than once, but priority will be given to new applicants who meete the above criteria
Nancy Park Scholarship for the Study of Slavic and East European Languages and Cultures
Undergraduate students must apply for this competitive scholarship which is awarded on the basis of demonstrated academic excellence in the study of Estonian, Finnish, or Slavic languages and cultures. The competition is adjudicated by the Slavic Department. Applications close in the middle of September. At least three awards, $1,000 each, are made annually. Winners are announced in late October. To qualify, students must be enrolled, at the time of application, in a minor, major, or specialist program in any of the following areas: Czech; Estonian; Finnish; Polish; Russian; South Slavic; Ukrainian. Additionally, applicants must be enrolled, in the academic year for which the scholarship is awarded, in a language course and in a literature/culture course designated EST, FIN, or SLA. Students exempted from language coursework must be enrolled in two literature/culture courses designated EST, FIN, or SLA.
Fellowships Not Requiring Application
Milutin Bajcetic Scholarship Fund
Academic merit and record of volunteerism/ activism within the Serbian community, contributing towards an informed understanding of the respective community's culture.
Ivan Franko Scholarship in Ukrainian Language and Literatures
To be awarded to the student, either full-time or part-time, who has achieved the highestA grade in any undergraduate course in Ukrainian language or literature.
Tibor Gregor Rotary Memorial Scholarship in Czech and Slovak Studies
To be awarded to an undergraduate student in Czech and Slovak Studies who shows commitment to the program and the study of Czech and Slovak language and culture.
Dr. M. Huta Scholarship
To be awarded to undergraduate or graduate students on the basis of financial need. Academic merit will also be considered. To be awarded anually to a student enrolled in any of the Ukrainian language, literature, or culture course(s) currently offered in the Department of Slavic & East European Languages & Cultures. The purpose of the award is to help defray the costs of travel to Ukraine to participate in an approved program of study in Ukrainian language, literature, culture or related subjects. Preference will be given to summer programmes at major Ukrainian universities and approed for credit at a Canadian university.
Applications will be judged on the basis of the student's standing in Ukrainian courses in the Department, overall academic standing, commitment to a programme of Ukrainian studies, and the quality and significance of the proposed programme in Ukraine.
Wolodymyr (Walter) Iwanyk Scholarship in Ukrainian Studies
Eligible Candidates:
1. Graduate students in the Department of Slavic & East European Languages & Cultures pursuing an MA or PhD degree specializing in Ukrainian Languages, Literature, or Culture.
2. Graduate students in other departments whose work is primarily focused on Ukraine (Ukraine or Ukrainian culture must be the primary focus of their work, no merely a component in a broader selection) and who have enrolled in graduate courses in Ukrainian Language, Literature, Culture, or History.
3. Undergraduate students in the second or higher years who have already taken (will have completed by the time of the award) no fewer than two full courses in Ukrainian language, literature, or history.
Eligibility is not limited by financial need but is enhanced by good grades.
Graduate students who have exhausted the University of Toronto funding package are eligible.
Stefan Jankowski Undergraduate Scholarship in Polish Studies
Established by Lloyd and Mira Fournier. To be awarded to an outstanding student in second or third-year undergraduate student enrolled in the Polish Studies or Polish Language and Literature program. In order to recognize academic excellence and exceptional effort, grades will serve as the primary criterion.
Joanna DeMone Award at the University of Toronto
- Established by Joanna DeMone
- Graduate or Undergraduate
- To be awarded to a graduate student from Poland pursuing either a masters or doctoral program in the Polish Language and Literature Program. The Award is renewable provided the student maintains academic standing. The next candidate for admissions from Poland will be selected when the incumbent recipient convocates or is no longer eligible for renewal. Priority will be given to a student with academic interests in Poland's Catholic cultural heritage.
- Alternatively, it could be awarded to a visiting graduate research or exchange student from Poland visiting the University through programs such as the International Visiting Graduate Student Study Abroad or other approved programs. Priority will be given to a student with academic interests in Poland's Catholic cultural heritage.
- In an academic year where either one of the conditions above cannot be satisfied, the award will be given to a student in the Polish Language and Literature Program. The Award is not renewable, however candidates may be reconsidered in subsequent years if one of the above conditions cannot be satisfied.
Elizabeteh Ruth Karch Award in Ukrainian Studies
Financial need must be considered, academic merit will also be considered. Awarded to an undergraduate or graduate student who is enrolled in coruses in Ukrainian language and/or literature.
Dr. Sergiy and Tetyana Kryvoruchko Undergraduate Award in Ukrainian Studies
To be awarded on the basis of academic merit to 2 full-time undergraduate students in the Department of Slavic & East European Languages & Cultures. The students must be enrolled in Ukrainian language, culture and/or literature courses. A student may receive the award up to two times during their studies.
George Luckyj Prize
To be awarded to an undergraduate (enrolled ina 200, 300 or 400-level course) or a graduate student who have obtained the highest standing (at least A) in an undergraduate or graduate course in Ukrainian Literature. Preference will be given to a student who has achieved an overall standing of A. Student is eligible to receive this award only once (twiceonly if as an undergraduate or graduate). Only one award to be given in a year.
Hanka Markowicz Undergraduate Award
To be awarded on academic merit to a student enrolled in any of the Polish language and literature course(s) offered in the Department of Slavic & East European Languages & Cultures.
The Polish Consulate General in Toronto Scholarship
The scholarship is to be granted for the academic best project or paper in the Department of Slavic & East European Languages & Cultures in a given acaemic year related to Polish culture broadly conceived.
Polonicum Study Abroad Scholarship
Established by Polish Language and Literature at U of T and POLONICUM: Centre of Polish Language and Culture
Available to undergraduate and graduate students enrolled in Polish minor or major. We offer two undergraduate scholarships one graduate scholarship per year.
The stipend covers the cost of the summer language and literature program organized annually by Polonicum Centre at University of Warsaw (4 weeks in August): tuition fees, lodging, and meals. It does not cover travel expenses
Follow this link for more details about the Polonicum Summer Program.
Applications, including a cover letter and CV, are due by the end of April each year.
Upon completion of the program, the students may receive the credit equivalent for their coursework work (0.5FCE or 1FCE) counting towards their program and degree requirements. Feel free to contact us for more information.
Serbian Brothers' Help Scholarship in Serbian Studies at the University of Toronto
To be awarded to an undergradaute student enrolled in a program in South Slavic Studies. The award will be made on the basis of academic achievement and financial need.
The Taras Shevchenko Memorial Scholarship
The scholarship shall be awarded either to:
A) a person who is a graduate of a recognized university and who is enrolled or intends to enrol in the School of Graduate Studies taking or intending to take a course in Ukrainian Language in the Department of Slavic & East European Languages & Cultures;
or B) to two students in the Faculty of Arts & Science, each to enjoy one half the income under the following conditions: that the student has completed their first, second or third year with at least B standing and enrols in Ukrainian in their ensuing year or who has obtained the higehst standing (at least B standing) in Ukrainian in their first, second or third year.
Rosa Somborac Award
Awarded to students (undergraduate and graduate) taking at least 1 FCE course in the Department of Slavic & East European Languages & Cultures for academic research study programs (such as language study,
research or to present scholarly work) and/or costs for summer study programs travel abroad.
The Milan Surducki Memorial Scholarship
To be awarded to an undergraduate or a graduate student in any year of study who has obtained the highest standing (at least A-) in an undergraduate or graduate course in Serbo-Croatian language and literature. In lieu of Serbo-Croatian, the scholarship may be awarded to an undergraduate or graduate student with the highest standing (at least A-) in an undergraduate or graduate course in Slavic Linguistics. Preference will be given to a student who has achievedan overall standing of A.
Ernest Tauber Scholarship
To be awarded to the best undergraduate student taking SLA105 or SLA204. This award can be awarded to a graduate student at the department's discretion in alternating years.
Toronto Polish-Canadian Hall Award
Established by Mr. V. Falkowski, Mrs. Anne Pasko, and Mr. T. Lewandowski.
To be awarded to students at either the undergraduate or graduate level in the Department of Slavic & East European Languages & Cultures:
Undergraduate student who presents evidence that they are planning to undertake (or are already engaged in) a Major or Specialist program in Polish language and literature (as such programs are defined in the university calendar).
May also be awarded to a graduate student who is enrolled in a program leading to a doctorate in Polish literature or linguistics.
Wilk and Bogdan Scholarship in Polish Language
Established by the Estate of Aniela (Nellie) Anderson, in memory of Anna Wilk, Anthony Bogdan, and Stanley Wilk. Awarded to students studying the Polish language. Academic merit and financial need will be considered.